miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2022

Discovering Your Mastery by Leni Morrison and Jilliana Raymond

Discovering Your Mastery by Leni Morrison and Jilliana Raymond

The universe is a magical environment. How we interact with spiritual resources can often feel secretive, illusive, and even forbidden. But this couldn’t be further from the truth. In Discovering Your Mastery, authors Leni Morrison and Jilliana Raymond shed light on misgivings and unlock some of the mysteries of the universe in which we reside. The two spiritual teachers/healers combine nearly fifty years of research, life experience, and healing intervention to deliver these unique messages of light. They offer a well-thought compilation of spiritual wisdom that reveals the spiritual heritage of every living soul, universal codes within your DNA that, when unlocked, will generate the life you were born to experience. Their insight provides information on how to activate every individual’s sovereign connection to a spiritual universe. Discovering Your Mastery helps you find your magnificence, understand your spiritual origin, and optimize your living experience by utilizing energy techniques. It teaches what ingredients become the tools to align you with your optimal life journey. To learn more or order the book:
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